


澳门威尼斯人平台官网 (Lindenwood) is governed by a 校董会. 以这种身份服务, 澳门威尼斯人平台官网受托人履行他们的受托人, 监督, 以及澳门威尼斯人平台官网的治理责任. Lindenwood’s Board members are determined by the Lindenwood Education System (LES). LES是一家密苏里州的非营利性公司,被美国国税局认定为501(c)(3)免税组织, 而LES是澳门威尼斯人平台官网的唯一成员. 澳门威尼斯人平台官网受托人也担任LES受托人, and are also trustees of other LES member institutions of higher education, 比如多尔西学院. Trustees act in the best interest of each respective entity when serving in their Trustee capacities for each respective board.


唐纳德·塔特尔,一位白发苍苍的老人,身穿黑色西装,白色衬衫,系着棕色领带Donald E. 塔特尔


Don 塔特尔 is co-founder and managing partner of Top Gun Ventures 有限责任公司, a premiere national retained executive search firm focused on the needs of organizations driving or encountering new business models and disruptive technologies. 该公司专门招聘能够帮助组织实现雄心勃勃的目标的“C”级领导者, 克服困难的挑战, 或者探索新的战略方向. 在波士顿设有办事处, 达拉斯, 西雅图和圣路易斯, 唐和他的合伙人帮助投资者, 董事会, CEO和企业家的认同, 评估并吸引“游戏改变者”来构建, 整个美国的公司都在扭亏为盈,扩大规模.S. 在全球范围内. 在过去的35年里,他帮助许多公司建立了完整的管理团队. 许多这样的公司已经成长起来, prospered and undergone successful liquidity events (IPO/buyouts).

Prior to building this national business from 1984 to present, 唐在一家财富500强科技公司担任工程和运营管理职务.

Prior to being elected 主席 at 澳门威尼斯人平台官网, Don chaired several board committees including Strategy & 发展,董事会发展,执行委员会成员和其他几个人.

Don completed his undergraduate studies at Southern Illinois University, and also completed all coursework leading towards a M.S. 学位.

Don has been featured on CBS MarketWatch and other business programs and enjoys contributing to articles in various newspaper and magazines in the U.S. 和全球. 唐热衷于确保学生将他们的高等教育学位转化为一份令人满意的职业.




Attorney 乔·安娜·波洛克 works as a shareholder at Simmons Hanly Conroy, 在复杂诉讼部工作, 她在哪里关注环境, 商业, 集体诉讼和人权诉讼. She devotes her practice to representing people and their businesses that have been hurt through the wrongful conduct of others.

乔·安娜于1997年以优异成绩获得澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学学士学位. 她在圣霍普金斯大学获得法律学位. 路易斯大学法学院,她以优异的成绩毕业,并在院长名单上. She also served as an editor for The Journal of Health Law. She has penned several articles about practicing law for various publications, and she speaks at law conferences on various topics concerning trial work.


哈利H. 彼得森(芯片) Older man with dark slick backed hair wearing glasses a dark grey suit and pink stripped tie standing in Spellmann Center哈利H. 彼得森(芯片)


哈利H. 彼得森(芯片) is an entrepreneur 法明顿的, Mo., where he serves as president and vice-president of several small companies. He served as president of Farmington Development Company for 25 years, which has been the main developer of 商业 property, 以及住宅开发项目, 法明顿的. 他和妻子黛比共同拥有Insight Partners Inc .., which has operated as many as three Steak N Shakes in 密苏里州; Show-Me Cici’s Pizza, Inc. 和Q Loco, 有限责任公司, which he owns and operates as Cici’s Pizza and Qdoba restaurants respectively; as well as office and retail ownership and management.

Peterson is a graduate of the University of Colorado-Boulder, where he earned his BS in small business management. 彼得森曾在澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学董事会任职八年. Previously, he served on the 战略计划ning, 任务, & Purpose Committee, as well as Interim Vice 总统 of the Board. 目前,他担任体育委员会主席和董事会副主席. In addition to serving on the 校董会 of 澳门威尼斯人平台官网, 他担任First State Community Bank董事会成员,并担任审计委员会主席. He is president of Farmington Industrial Development Authority and has served on the Mineral Area Community College board, American Legion 密苏里州 Boys State Board of Directors, 法明顿商会, 长老会儿童之家委员会, and the Farmington Memorial Methodist Church 董事会.



谢丽尔Matejka Blonde woman wearing a black sweater and grey shirt谢丽尔Matejka


Cheryl L. Matejka serves as Chief Financial Officer for Mercy Health head-quartered in St. 路易斯,密苏里州. 在此职位上,她负责监督与Mercy医院和诊所相关的所有财务职能. 在此之前,Cheryl曾担任Mercy Health东部地区的首席财务官,负责St. 在路易斯大都会和周边市场,她提供了财务报告的领导监督, 营运及资本规划 & analysis, decision support and various operational areas. Mercy Health是天主教最大的综合医疗系统之一,年收入超过60亿美元, 40个医院, ~ 2,400 physicians and serves both large and small communities in 7 states. In 2020, Cheryl celebrated her 14th anniversary with Mercy and has over 30 years of experience in the non-profit health care field.

谢丽尔是注册会计师, 在斯普林菲尔德的福音大学获得会计工商管理学士学位, 密苏里州, and an MBA from the Olin College of Business at Washington University in St. 路易. 2012年,她被授予St. 路易 Business Journal CFO of the year for non-profit organizations. 谢丽尔和她的丈夫特里住在圣. 他们积极参与当地的教会和传教工作,并有两个成年子女.



约翰R. 行李搬运工人Dr. 约翰R. 行李搬运工人


Dr. 约翰R. 波特是澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学的23号学生rd 他于2019年7月1日就任总统. 波特在IBM工作了33年, 最后15位在高级管理层, 他还曾担任高等教育委员会成员,兼任讲师和客座教授.

在开始他现在的工作之前, 他曾担任IBM在迪拜的主要业务合作伙伴海湾商业机器公司的服务副总裁. He has served as a member of the 校董会 at Evangel University, 他获得了学士学位, 也有大学筹款的经验. 他拥有华盛顿大学的工商管理硕士学位. 路易 and has earned a Doctor of Education 学位 from Johns Hopkins University.

在他的职业生涯中, 行李搬运工人 has worked in numerous locations in the United States, 南非和迪拜也是如此. 波特和他的妻子贝弗利有三个成年子女,他们都住在堪萨斯城地区.

